Benchmarks revisited

Twenty years after

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF IASF Milano05 Feb 2009

Cosi' per li gran savi si confessa
che la fenice muore e poi rinasce
quando al cinquecentesimo anno appressa
Inf. XXIV,106-108

Introduction Principles Recent results Across languages


After almost 19 years since the time I wrote the first version of the report "R15" "A set of simple benchmark programs for representative cases in X-ray astronomy", I am revisiting my benchmarks, which compare the relative speed of some realistic programs on different platforms and operating systems, to look at progress in computing speed over such period of time, and to see where we stand now.

The quoted document was last updated in 1993, however the benchmarks were ran again in 1998, 2000 and 2005 without formal documentation of the results. I try to recover such material as well.

I am therefore presenting here a partial, but formal, update.
This benchmarks have no pretense of an extremely objective measurement of the relative performance of machines or compilers, but should give an idea of what one can expect in cases drawn from real life programs.


The original benchmarks included two main programs plus a support program (all written in Fortran) and two support files. They are presently accessible here :

benchdft Representative benchmark, direct Fourier transform
benchmat Support program for the next benchmark
matrix.ascii Support file, to be converted in binary form running benchmat, the output file used for the next benchmark
spectrum.test Support file used for the next benchmark
benchfit Representative benchmark, X-ray spectral fitting
benchfit Patched version for Linux g77 (see below)

For details on their usage refer to report R15
The benchdft benchmark can be run with different input parameters, i.e. the number of data points, and the number of frequency steps. The time should scale lineary with either parameter.
The benchfit benchmark instead can be run in a single condition and performs a fit on canned data using canned initial guesses.
Both benchmarks shall be repeated a few times, ideally on an unloaded machine, and the fastest execution times shall be noted down.

The programs can be compiled with different compilers, and with different optimization levels.

Caveat ! The original version of benchfit does not compile on Linux using g77, because such compiler is very picky and the program has a routine with two entry points (of which one is a FUNCTION and the other a SUBROUTINE). A patched version of the code is provided. Such version compiles, however the executable generated by g77 does not run correctly (the fitting procedure enters an infinite loop). I have not investigated the matter, but instead moved to the use of other compilers. In general the mixing of FUNCTION and SUBROUTINE entries is accepted by them, with or without warnings.

Updated results

In the following I summarize graphically the results of a number of tests performed either in the past, or at the time of writing. Namely: The benchmark programs return a number of execution times of their different steps, as detailed in report R15. De facto, most of such times (i/o or data generation) are irrelevant for our purposes. The relevant times to measure CPU consumption are the time for fitting in benchfit and the time for the Fourier transform in benchdft. For our purposes we use as reference for the latter a run with 10000 data points and 100 frequency steps.
The fitting and Fourier transform times (Tfit and TFour) do not scale always exactly in the same way (due to the different nature of the algorithm), and in particular sometimes scale differently with different optimization levels.

In order to provide a summary, one shall compare a given measure with the equivalent measure of a reference machine (and OS and optimization). R15 used an IBM VM/SP system as reference, which nowadays is completely out of date. In 1998-2000 the reference used was my DEC Alpha 255, and for simplicity in re-use of the old measures I continue to use such reference.
In principle one can normalize any measure, e.g. Rfit=Tfit/Tfit(ref) etc. In practice I decided to take the mean of Rfit and RFour (for the 10000/100 case), and the associated standard deviation as error bar.
In practice

These are the recent results. All times are in seconds. The mean and error are relative to the reference (entry in red) measured in 2005. As said above, g77 does not allow to run benchfit. The bulk of the tests have been done compiling with an oldish Intel compiler 8.1 on poseidon, using options save i-static and running the compiled executables also on the other machines. The default optimization level is -O2. Since there are no speed changes already after -O1, -O3 was not tested.

Machine Model Compiler benchdft benchfit average
and option DG 100 DF 100 DG 10000 DF 100 DF 500 CURFT mean error
poseidon III DEC Alpha 255 native 0.001 0.016 0.015 1.355 6.752 0.796 1.0 n/a
poseidon IV HP dc7100 g77 0.000 0.002 0.002 0.220 1.089 n/a 0.160 n/a
poseidon IV HP dc7100 ifort -O0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.140 0.700 0.100 0.114 0.015
poseidon IV HP dc7100 ifort -O1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.130 0.650 0.040 0.073 0.032
poseidon IV HP dc7100 ifort -O2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.130 0.650 0.040 0.073 0.032
obelix custom ifort -O2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.070 0.370 0.030 0.044 0.010
metis custom ifort -O2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.140 0.730 0.070 0.095 0.011
antigone Dell GX620N ifort -O2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.120 0.630 0.040 0.069 0.027
cora HP dx2400 ifort -O2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.110 0.400 0.060 0.078 0.004
galileo Dell T7400 ifort -O2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.050 0.290 0.020 0.031 0.008

And here are some graphical summaries of the average values for the entire dataset.
The first figure reports the relative speed as a function of time (the time is not the time a machine was acquired, nor the actual time of measurements : measurements are grouped by year according to the content of R15 or later runs, and then displaced arbitrarily inside the year).
For each machine, one value is chosen as representative for the mean and error bar, and indicated with an asterisk. This is usually the compilation without optimization, except for Linux where it is the default (ifort -O2). Where tests with different optimization levels were run, they are indicated with crosses (no error bars). Triangle mark the tests with g77.
The reference measurement (relative speed = 1) is reported twice (1998 and 2005)

The second figure reports the same data in arbitrary order of occurrence (which coincides with the chronological order of the previous figure, but allows a clearer expansion). The representative value (asterisk) is labelled with the machine model (for data taken from R15 or 2000 paper note) or the machine name (for later data). Measurements with other optimization levels (crosses) are reported unlabelled on the right of the representative one.

Cross language tests

In addition to the traditional "revisited" benchmarks, I decided to test the capabilities of different languages and/or compilers. I therefore concentrated on the Direct Fourier Transform benchmark, which is rather easy to convert across languages, and willingly a more intensive algorithm than other more efficient equivalent ones (e.g. FFT). I hence developed the following versions :

No particular care has been given to numerical accuracy issues, although the results are not inconsistent with respect to the Fortran ones.
All tests were run on the same machine (mine, poseidon) with the exception of the gfortran test (see below).

The IDL version has not been recoded in optimal way (some DO loops have been recoded as array assignments, but the main loop in subroutine DCDTF has not been recoded. It uses a native call to compute the processing time.
The procedure allocates memory dynamically, however shows no paging effect since the linear scaling in both directions is preserved. Also excluding the allocation of the work arrays in the subroutine from the time count shows no change in the times.

The C version requires the mathematical library. Memory is allocated statically, and all the work arrays are global to avoid issues with passing arguments (something I've never been very good in C). The code includes a routine to measure processing time which I adapted from something I had (and did not write myself), which I hope makes sense.
I tested it with the default optimization (i.e. none) and also with -O1 and -O2. There is a marginal improvement going to -O1 and nothing going to -O2.

The Java version uses global work arrays to avoid issues with passing arguments, but memory is allocated in the subroutine method. It uses a native call to compute the processing time. I had to use the Math.IEEEremainder call (not the "%" operator) for modulo inside the main loop, if I wanted to obtain results numerically consistent with the Fortran ones.

I have also run two tests using other (free) Fortran compilers.

One test was run using the g95 compiler, using the default optimization (-O1; using -O2 should make things run faster, i.e. in 93% of the time). Binary version g95 0.91 (G95 Fortran 95 version 4.0.3 aka gcc version 4.0.3).

Another test was run using the gfortran compiler. However due to an incompatibility at glibc level, I could not install gfortran on my workstation, therefore I installed in a scratch area GNU Fortran (GCC) 4.4.0 on obelix (x86_64) and run the tests there. I also ran an ifort test on obelix to allow a cross calibration. The default is no optimization. Going to -O1 nearly halves the times (factor 0.62), while -O2 is the same as -O1.

The numeric results are reported here below. All times are in seconds. The values for gfortran (in italics) are reconstructed values, rescaled to poseidon from the original obelix measure assuming it is 2.39 times slower than obelix where they were measured at -O2.

N.Freq.steps 100 500 1000
N.points ifort g77 g95 gfortran gcc java IDL ifort g77 g95 gfortran gcc java IDL ifort g77 g95 gfortran gcc java IDL
100 0.000 0.003 0.003 0.009      0.000 0.021 0.051 0.000 0.017 0.014 0.009      0.020 0.081 0.248 0.010 0.031 0.030 0.038      0.030 0.121 0.493
1000 0.010 0.031 0.030 0.019      0.030 0.139 0.480 0.080 0.155 0.143 0.086      0.150 0.574 2.393 0.160 0.307 0.284 0.163      0.300 1.125 4.796
5000 0.080 0.156 0.145 0.076      0.150 0.614 2.368 0.410 0.769 0.715 0.393      0.740 2.943 11.957 0.830 1.535 1.427 0.786      1.470 5.893 24.100
10000 0.170 0.312 0.289 0.172      0.300 1.231 4.852 0.840 1.538 1.430 0.795      1.480 6.008 24.358 1.660 3.069 2.857 1.582      2.930 11.942 48.094

A graphical representation of the above is not particularly useful, and simply shows what is already apparent from the table, i.e. that the time scales linearly with the number of data points or frequency steps, with the possible exception of the cases for very small numbers of points or steps which are presumably poorly defined, or affected by some constant overhead. If such values are excluded, one can summarize as :

Of course each language has its own merits to be used for particular applications, so the above figures should not be used beyond their face value. :: original creation 2009 feb 05 18:36:05 CET :: last edit 2009 Feb 05 18:36:05 CET