This is a collection of quotations seen around.
- seen on a .signature on the 'net
Polo : il buco con chi mente intorno
Translation: "Pole, the hole with liars around it"
Explanation: "Polo" is a brand of doughnut-shaped mint candies, whose
slogan in Italian is "Polo, il buco con la menta intorno" i.e.
"the hole with the mint around it". "Polo" (the Pole) is also the name
of Berlusconi's political group. "chi mente" are "those who tell lies".
- seen painted on a wall in Vaprio (Vaver)
El Berlüsca l'è 'me la crüsca :
el pias dumà ai purscei
Translation: Berlusconi is like bran, only pigs like it.
Explanation: none necessary.
- seen posted in a Bologna institute
USA have Bill Clinton
Stevie Wonder, Johnny Cash,Bob Hope
Italy has Berlusconi
no wonder, no cash, no hope
Translation: none necessary
- seen circulated on the network
En Italie le fascisme c'est FINI
Translation: either "In Italy fascism is over" or ... "In Italy fascism is Fini"
Explanation: Fini is the leader of the (pretended non-neo)fascist party, the major
allied formation in the "Pole"
- heard in TV (Ballarò)
il partito del popolo della libertà è un partito che nasce dal basso (dal Basso ?)
Translation: either "the party of the people of liberty (PPL) is a party born from the bottom"
or "born from the short one"
Explanation: The PPL is the new party invented by Berlusconi (2007).
"dal basso" may mean "from the bottom" but also make reference to somebody
who is not tall. And Berlusconi is renowned to be quite short (the Nobel prize
Dario Fo even adapted to him a piece titled "Ubu Bas").
- some anagrams
Il burlesco inviso
sbilenco su livori:
urli viso sbilenco,
sbilenco su rivoli.
Vinsi sul bicolore,
volsi cibi sul nero.
Sono virus bellici,
bellicoso in virus.
No virus bellicosi:
bollicine, so virus.
Bollisce su rinvio;
unsi rovi, bollisce,
bollisce rovi insù,
insù rovi sbellico:
bollisce, su, rovini !
Cibi illuso snervo,
cibi nel solo virus.
Voli nel russo cibi.
Vi bellico in russo.
Novello russi cibi,
osservo cibi nulli.
Cibi svolse, urlino.
Ivi nullo sorbisce:
lo sorbisce un vile.
Nolo scibile virus.
:: original creation 2009 feb 13 14:56:25 CET ::
last edit 2009 Feb 13 14:56:25 CET