this is an automatic message generated by Lucio Chiappetti's virtual e-mail assistant. Please read carefully what follows. Due to the high amount of junk e-mail (spam) received, Dr. Chiappetti has been forced to take some filtering measures. Your e-mail message (returned to you below) does not appear to come neither from one of his usual correspondents, nor from one of the domains with which we keep institutional relationships. On the other hand it does not appear as a blatant case of spam or spammer domain (in which case it would have been stored in an area which is seldom read or altogether rejected). Your message is held in a quarantine area, where it will remain for one week, after which it will be deleted if not authenticated by you. TO AUTHENTICATE IT you should send back to this address, from the same address you used originally, a message containing on its subject line the capital word PASSWORD= followed (without intervening blanks) by the password contained in the subject line of this mail. A reply to this mail is normally sufficient for authentication. If your intention to contact Dr. Chiappetti is legitimate (institutional or personal, not commercial) he will either insert your name in a white list of known correspondents, or insert your domain in a white list of known astronomical and academic institutions. In case of failure to authenticate quarantined messages will be deleted. Note that if you have sent or are sending more e-mail messages to Lucio Chiappetti, you will be receiving only one notice like this, but they will all be quarantined (and unlocked) together. Note also that, after sending a valid authentication, your message(s) will be soon passed to the attention of Dr. Chiappetti, but you may have to wait for manual nsertion in the white list by my master. In the best case you have to wait until the next working day, local working hours. During summer vacation period, you may have to wait longer. You will not receive a formal confirmation that the quarantine has been levied except if my master decides to respond personally to you. However if you send any further mail after the authentication has been received, but you have not yet been inserted in the white list, these further messages will enter a new quarantine. You cannot use your personal authentication password more than once or just to let messages through. A new one is assigned to any user in any quarantine session, and is deleted as soon as validated. We apologise for any inconvenience, but we shall defend from spammers. Virtually yours LC's E-mail Assistant PS : for more detail see ----------------- original e-mail message is enclosed -----------------