IAUFWG proposals for update

0 Draft by L.Chiappetti submitted to IAU FWG EC : 26-Aug-2013 (-> see)
1 (revised) draft submitted to IAU FWG : 18-Sep-2013 (-> see)
2 (final) draft being worked on by IAU FWG EC : 14-Oct-2013
3 final proposal submitted to FITSBITS: dd-mmm-yyyy TBD
4 final proposal being voted to IAU FWG : dd-mmm-yyyy TBD

This proposal covers

Voting rules

I report below a possible modification to the "IAU FITS Working Group Rules and Procedures" stored on page http://fits.gsfc.nasa.gov/iaufwg/iaufwg_rules.html (currently offline because of the US Government shutdown, a provisional copy is kept here).

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Issues Affecting the FITS Standard

Internal Business Issues

The next sentence is not part of the voting rules but is just describing the current composition of the EC. If requested, this comment can become part of the published text.
The following discussion describes the rules and procedures to be followed by the IAU FITS Working Group (FWG). These rules have been established by the FWG Executive Committee (EC), which has the right to modify them at any time. The EC also has the authority to determine what procedures are to be followed in any circumstances that are not explicitly covered under the existing rules. The EC currently has 7 voting members consisting of the chairman and vice chairman (if designated) (the position of vice-chairman is currently undefined) of the FWG, the previous chairman of the FWG, and the chairmans of the 4 former regional FITS committees (North America, Europe, Japan, and Australia/New Zealand). In principle, tThe 'Designated FITS Representative' to the Virtual Observatory Working Group (also established by IAU Commission 5) is also a member of the EC, but at present this member is also the chairman of one of the regional committees. The president of Commission 5 has been traditionally an observer in the EC mailing list. . Currently the VO member is also the president of Commission 5. The future composition of the EC will be arranged by co-optation in the existing EC in such a way to maintain a balance between different geographical areas, disciplinary and wavelength areas, and a representation of major data handling organizations. The EC typically makes decisions on a unanimous consensus basis, but if necessary, a simple majority vote (currently, 4 out of 7 members) may be used to reach a decision.
Throughout the text silently change "chairman/men" with "chair(s)" [LC,AR]
The reference to the "chairs of former Regional Committees" replaced by a longer, but not too constraining sentence [LC,PG,AD,BH]
I have removed the reference to co-optation [TF,DS,BF et al.], explained in what sense "major organizations are "major" [PG] and added initial comment.

1. Issues related to the definition of the FITS Standard

2. Business or Procedural Issues

Regional Committee disbandment

I propose to limit the current decision to the minimal changes to the voting procedure web page described above (i.e. deletion of references to RCs and minor adjustments) without entering in this stage in changes about FWG composition and nomination (these could be deferred to later) so that the present FWG with the new rules can promptly vote on the Timing WCS proposal.

Strictly speaking, according to point 2 of the current rules, the disbandment of the RCs is a procedural matter, and therefore does not require a public comment period on FITSBITS.
Or even, according to the introductory sentence of the current rules, the rules themselves are under the sole authority of the EC, who could modify them with an internal decision.
However, considered the peculiar nature of the matter, one might think of an ad-hoc procedure like the following:

With the approval of the new rules, the RCs are disbanded, and all web pages on the IAU FWG site modified accordingly.

IAUFWG membership revision

It is an appropriate moment to revise the current membership of the IAUFWG taking into account: After dealing with these more or less urgent in the customary matter as done in the past, we might later discuss a more formal redefinition of the membership, e.g.

I also suggest that all confirmed members should state whether:

Finally we should revise the composition of the mailing lists (other than FITSBITS)

After having held a consultation with the EC I will arrange motu proprio the membership of the mailing list as follows:

sax.iasf-milano.inaf.it/~lucio/FITS/Proposal/newrules.2.html :: original creation 2013 ott 31 10:52:31 CET :: last edit 2013 Oct 31 10:52:31 CET