2.1.1 About navigation

O voi che siete in piccioletta barca
desiderosi d'ascoltar, seguiti
dietro al mio legno che cantando varca
tornate a rivedere li vostri liti :
non vi mettete in pelago, che, forse,
perdendo me, rimarreste smarriti
Voi altri pochi che drizzaste il collo
per tempo al pan degli angeli, del quale
vivesi qui, ma non sen vien satollo
metter potete ben per l'alto sale
vostro navigio ...
                          (Par. II,1-6 10-14)

You who are in a tiny boat
wishful to listen, following
after my vessel singing and crossing
go back to meet your shores again :
do not set yourself to sea, because, perhaps,
if you miss me, you will get lost
You few other who turned your neck
on time to the angels' bread, of which
one lives here, but gets not satiated
well you can set on the high sea
your craft ...

sax.iasf-milano.inaf.it/Xashelp/xasprog.1.1.html :: original creation 1997 Jan 08 15:29:36 CET :: last edit 1997 Jan 08 15:29:36 CET