9. Cross-accumulating from photon lists
Cross-accumulation is the process of generating data structures (like images, spectra, time
profiles and photon lists) in a mission-independent format starting from other mission
independent files.
Currently prototype programs exist which accumulate images, spectra, time profiles
from XAS photon files.
It is planned to add also other form of cross-accumulators (e.g. to accumulate time profiles
or spectra integrating a TIME-PHA pseudo-image)
The syntax of the relevant command is similar to the standard
command. Note however that these programs have been used seldom, and their syntax is
not yet fully upgraded to the one of the other programs (in particular for what concerns
time quantities), therefore the following syntaxes are to be considered only indicative.
xaccumulate spectrum [ sfile {inpfile} quantity xrange xbin {range range ...}
xaccumulate image ifile {inpfile} xquantity yquantity xrange yrange xbin ybin {range range ...}
xaccumulate time [ tfile {inpfile} quantity trange tbin {range range ...}
xaccumulate photon [ pfile {inpfile} {include include ...} {range range ...}
:: original creation 2002 Sep 04 17:44:02 CEST ::
last edit 2002 Sep 04 17:44:02 CEST