5.2 The check_expconf command

In order to verify the compatibility of each observation with the previous and the next one you shall inspect the Experiment Configuration Files. These are ASCII FOT files (of type eeexconf for instrument ee) which can be printed or viewed easily. You can get an impression of the changes between one observation and the next also using a visual difference tool like DEC's dxdiff

However, since the Experiment Configuration Files may contain a plethoric list of commandable items, which are normally kept at their nominal value, a command is provided which produces a summary of the relevant parameters, together with a coding of helpful hints.
Relevant parameters are defined by hardware teams, according to these guidelines.

The summary can be in an ASCII file or in a black&white or colour Postscript file (in current printdir) or be "plotted" in colour on a graphics window mantained by an X-window graphics server.

Provided you have set the appropriate environment variables you can invoke this command as

check_expconf [ outtype filename

Note that if outtype is Graph then filename is not an output file name but a graphic X-window server instance of the form xw1, xw2, etc.

All output files are arranged similarly as follows :
A particular coding hilights cases of interest for the observer
We provide below example files as HTML hyperlinks (or also in printed form) , together with some useful hints on their interpretation

ASCII file

ASCII files may awkward to print or view if there are many observations, since they are not paginated, and all observation occur on a single very long row. A single flag character hilights the following cases:

B&W Postscript file

These are in landscape orientation, and are paginated to have 15 or less observations per page. Hilight on grayscale files is indicated as follows

Colour Postscript file

For colour Postscript hilighting occurs as follows

Graphics window (GIF dump)

This is useful for quick look (e.g. if no printers available). As many rows and columns as required are always squeezed in the existing window, therefore they may appear quite crowded if there are many observations (use a larger window if possible). Hilighting uses a colour coding.

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sax.iasf-milano.inaf.it/Xashelp/observ.2.html :: original creation 2002 Sep 04 17:39:26 CEST :: last edit 2002 Sep 04 17:39:26 CEST