Appendix E: List of program arguments
This is an alphabetic list of all possible program arguments
using the abbreviation name used in the main help pages.
This notation points to an absolute
XAS pathname
of the form
is the name of an ancillary response file, o "none" if no ARF generation is requested.
Usually no filetype is requested (if specified overrides the default setting of ".arf").
This argument has no effect in the case of
XAS matrix format.
A seldom used numeric argument, which may be optionally required when reading a XAS
time profile with multiple bands, to select the band to be plotted or manipulated
(note that, although supported, multiple bands are not used by standard time profiles)
The way the binning factor for a quantity can be specified depends on the quantity itself :
- for any quantity other than TIME one just gives a binning factor (zoom factor),
1 to mantain original channels/pixels, n>1 to have bins which are n channels wide
- if the quantity is TIME one gives a binsize in seconds, expressed as a REAL
number. This value must be a multiple of the proposed default. If the user does not
comply, the value is adjusted.
This notation indicates the name of a command file. Usually one provides only
the filename and lets the filetype default to .command, and the path
default to the current directory.
A XAS colour may be one of the
fundamental colours used for vector plotting (in practice
a positive number from 0 to 7), or a conventionally negative number, which points into the current colour table (e.g. -12 means the 12th location of the current table).
This flag controls whether FITS inline comments are translated into XAS comment
keywords or are omitted. It may take either values
Yes No
This argument specifies the current default context for accumulation and display
programs. Its main purpose is to default the type of accumulation and the filetype.
Its value can be one of the following (the first letter is sufficient) :
Image Spectrum Time Photon
Used by
sky programs to retrieve the current detector unit
within the current instrument. Normally taken from header keyword of the same
name (only if missing asked to the user).
Legal MECS values are M1 M2 M3 (case insensitive).
For the purpose of the fotfile program one this field shall be a plus-separated
concatenation of file classes and types, with optional negation, e.g. of the form
where class refers to any of the following classes of file types
- the tapedir file
- the ephemeris, attitude and OBT-UTC conversion files
- all spacecraft HK files common to all instruments
- all instrument directories (instdir, obsdir, expconf)
- all instrument HK files
- all instrument science data files
- all of the above
- default configuration
and type refers to any filetype as shown in the tapedir.
The above shall allow selective constructs like :
A generic file name. In case of XAS data files this may be an
image (or a response matrix),
time profile (of any sort), or
photon list.
This notation indicates a Fourier spectrum (.fourier) or
periodogram (.chisquare) or other file produced by
timing analysis programs
A data file in the FITS format.
A couple of frequencies (Hz) or periods (s) (according to program)
delimiting a range, used by
timing analysis programs
Used by timing analysis programs
to specify frequency (Hz) or period (s) steps (according to program).
It can have two forms :
- fp : a linear step size (Hz or s)
- n : an integer number of (logarithmic) steps
This notation indicates the name of gain history time profile. Usually one provides only
the filename and lets the filetype default to .time, and the path
default to the standard XAS data path.
This notation indicates the name of a XAS image file. Usually one provides only
the filename and lets the filetype default to .image, and the path
default to the standard XAS data path.
This notation is used for photon accumulation to specify if a given
has to be included in the output file or not. It may take either values
Yes No
This argument is a sequence number n, indicating the n-th instance (copy) of a given
graphics server program.
One of the SAX instrument codes :
- lecs
- mecs
- hpgs
- pds
- wfc
For the purpose of the fotfile program the SAX instrument code is one of the
following two-letter codes :
- "any" instrument, i.e. the files for "all" instruments (indicated as ** in the
tape directory), plus the files for the first instrument appearing on tape whatever it is
ME M1 M2 M3
- MECS, respectively all units, or only unit 1, 2 or 3
PD P1 P2 P3 P4
- PDS, respectively all units, or only unit 1, 2 , 3 or 4
W1 W2
- WFC1 or WFC2 respectively
An extended observation range
of observations in the initial (ingoing) slew manoeuvre
This corresponds to the mnemonic code of an housekeeping (HK) parameter. Mnemonic
codes are listed in the instrument PCF (Parameter Characteristics File).
The name of a file header keyword is a string of no more than 8 characters.
The type of a file header keyword is coded as follows:
- C for a character string
- I for a 16-bit integer (INTEGER*2, use discouraged)
- J 32-bit integer (INTEGER*4)
- R 32-bit floating point (REAL*4)
- D double precision floating point (REAL*8)
This flag controls whether an additional log file is produced with some
information on the data conversion. It may take either values
Yes No
The number (1,2 or 3) of the MECS unit.
Used by
sky programs to retrieve the misalignments necessary to
convert the satellite pointing direction into the detector pointing direction.
If the detector pointing is already present in header keywords RA_PNT DEC_PNT ROLL_PNT
these parameters are unnecessary.
Otherwise the misalignments (angles in decimal degrees) and the focal length (in mm)
are usually retrieved from the calibration file of the appropriate
(only if this is not possible they will be asked to the user).
A generic number of items (integer).
The number of colours for
colour table manipulation. It is a number with absolute
value from 0 to 256 (or less, according to LUT size). A positive value conventionally
refers to the particular graphics server's LUT, while a negative value conventionally
refers to the full X colourmap.
The number of counts to be accumulated in each spectrum.
Used by timing analysis programs
to indicate a number of phase bins into which to fold a light curve.
Used by timing analysis programs
to indicate a number of steps into which to divide a range.
is an "extended" range of
observation numbers
i.e. the concatenation of
- single observation numbers (e.g. 1, 3)
- observation intervals in dash-separated form (e.g. 5-7 for 5 to 7)
using a "plus" as concatenation operator, e.g. to concatenate the above
An observation chain of "0" means "none", and "1-99" means "all".
An extended observation range
of observations in the final (outgoing) slew manoeuvre
This argument specifies the output file type for the
check_expconf command and can be one of the four values (all can
be abbreviated to the first letter)
corresponding respectively to a named ASCII file, a named black&white Postscript file, a named
colour Postscript file or a graphic X-window server instance
This notation points to
XAS pathname
which can be either absolute or relative, i.e. of the form
This corresponds to the code of a SAX FOT telemetry packet. This argument needs to
be supplied ONLY if more than one packets are eligible for the particular accumulation
requested, otherwise it is resolved internally by the program.
Used by timing analysis programs
to indicate a single period in s.
This notation indicates the name of a XAS photon list file. Usually one provides only
the filename and lets the filetype default to .photon, and the path
default to the standard XAS data path.
Used by
sky programs to retrieve the pixel size in mm.
Normally taken from header keyword of the same name (only if missing asked to the user).
Used by timing analysis programs
to specify (also graphically) an x,y position, where pkfreq is
a frequency or period (according to case), and pkpowr is the
height of a peak in a periodogram or power spectrum.
This indicates the names of quantities present for an event, and which can be used
for accumulations (e.g. on the x and y axes). The names are mnemonic codes, contained in the
packetcap files,
like :
These arguments specify the
for the non-interesting quantities of an accumulation, that is, the ones used for selection.
In the case of photon lists, this applies to all quantities, interesting and uninteresting.
The notation for ranges is described below.
The way a range for a quantity can be specified depends on the quantity itself :
lowvalue highvalue
- for any quantity other than TIME one just gives the low and high values
in channels or pixels
starttime endtime
- if the quantity is TIME one gives start and end times in UT, using
the full date (year, month number, day) and time (hours, minutes, seconds), with notation
yyyy mm dd hh mm ss
Used by
sky programs to retrieve the satellite pointing direction
and to compute the detector pointing direction.
If the detector pointing is already present in header keywords RA_PNT DEC_PNT ROLL_PNT
no user dialogue is necessary about satellite pointing and
Otherwise the satellite pointing is normally retrieved from header keywords
RA_SCZ DEC_SCZ ROLL_SCZ and only if they are missing is asked to the user.
Angular values are expressed in decimal degrees.
A range of records (start and end) in a file.
This notation indicates the name of SAOimage-style region file. Usually one provides only
the filename and lets the filetype default to .region, and the path
default to the standard XAS data path.
An RGB colour specification is a triplet of real numbers (each one in the range
0.0 to 1.0) indicating the level of Red, Green and Blue.
is the name of a response matrix file, o "none" if no RMF generation is requested.
Usually no filetype is requested (if specified overrides the default setting), and
the appropriate one (".rmf" or ".matrix") is constructed according to the
file format selected.
This argument fully identifies a particular graphic server instance, and is formed by a two-letter
code (corresponding to the server type) and a number n (corresponding to
the n-th instance or copy of a server) without intervening blanks.
E.g. xw2 is the 2nd instance of an X-window server, bw1 is the 1st of a black&white
Postscript server, etc.
This argument is a two-letter code indicating the type of graphics server. The currently defined values
corresponding to the X-Window server, the Black&White Postscript server, the Colour Postscript server,
and the Colour Level 2 Postscript server.
This notation indicates the name of a XAS spectral file. Usually one provides only
the filename and lets the filetype default to .spectrum, and the path
default to the standard XAS data path.
The start colour for
colour table manipulation. It is a number from 0 to 256
(or less, according to LUT size).
This is a system-dependent tape device name (currently corresponding to a local
tape drive attached to the system where the fotfile program is run) e.g.
/dev/nrmt0l /dev/nrst0 MUA0:
An extended observation range
of observations in the normal pointing on the celestial target being observed
This indicates a binsize in seconds, expressed as a REAL
number. This value must be a multiple of the proposed default. If the user does not
comply, the value is adjusted.
This notation indicates the name of a XAS time profile. Usually one provides only
the filename and lets the filetype default to .time, and the path
default to the standard XAS data path.
A time range is always indicated as
starttime endtime
giving start and end times in UT, using
the full date (year, month number, day) and time (hours, minutes, seconds), with notation
yyyy mm dd hh mm ss
The value of a XAS environment variables can be any string, provided it does not contain
imbedded blanks. An array of value can be represented as a comma-separated list (but this
is not accessible in the normal way).
A numeric value is also passed as a string.
A blank value is equivalent to a null value (i.e. to unset the variable)
The value of a XAS file header keyword can be
- a string of no more than 68 characters not containing imbedded blanks
- one or more integer numeric values
- one or more (single precision) floating point numeric values
- one or more double precision numeric values
The name of a XAS environment variables can be any string (excepted the word FROM)
For the purpose of most programs valid XAS data types are of the the form
- image
- spectrum
- photon
- time
These arguments specify the
factor for the interesting quantities (along x and eventually y) of an accumulation.
The notation for binning is described elsewhere
A XAS environment file which can be fed into xasset, consisting of a number of
lines, each one of the form
variable value
These arguments specify the
for the interesting quantities (along x and eventually y) of an accumulation.
The notation for ranges is described elsewhere
xquantity, yquantity
See quantity.
This notation indicates the name of a time window file. Usually one provides only
the filename and lets the filetype default to .window, and the path
default to the standard XAS data path.
:: original creation 2002 Sep 04 17:40:44 CEST ::
last edit 2002 Sep 04 17:40:44 CEST