2.3 The config directory
The $XASTOP/config directory is not actually a software
directory like all others in the typical XAS tree,
but a support directory for the xasbuild
software tool used for the building (compilation or recompilation) of XAS.
The directory has the following subdirectory arrangement (the functions
are described elsewhere) :
- Depend
contains the dependency files for all main programs, all libraries
and (subdirectories for) the frozen versions (all this stuff is generated
by xasbuild)
- Lists
contains the list files listing components like subroutines in a
library, main programs in a source directory, supported source directories, etc.
(plus subdirectories for the frozen versions). This stuff is updated and
mantained by xasbuild from a minimal bootstrap version.
- Log
contains the log files of the xasbuild runs (can be cleared at user's will)
- Proto
contains the prototypes (plus subdirectories for the frozen versions)
of the Makefiles which xasbuild will use to
install the system dependent ones in the (program and library) source code directories.
These are the most important bootstrap files in the distribution.
- Scripts
contains the shell scripts which constitute the xasbuild software package
:: original creation 2002 Sep 04 18:17:19 CEST ::
last edit 2002 Sep 04 18:17:19 CEST