12. XAS file format reference
XAS uses a consistent, mission-independent private file format for its reduced data files.
The complete reference for the XAS file format is reported in two separate paper documents.
We give here only an overview of the main characteristics.
- XAS uses only two types of files (and of associated Fortran i/o) : plain ASCII files
with sequential access for small quantities of
ancillary information, and fixed-format binary files with
direct access for real and bulky data.
A (Unix-like) STREAM_LF format is preferred for ASCII files on non Unix systems (and
imposed at z_open level).
Some additiona support is provided for
ASCII tables
The remainder of this specification covers exclusively the binary XAS data files.
- XAS binary files use the native binary representation of the operating system (OS)
on which they are written.
There is no requirements of portability of the files (one cannot read a file
written on a different, uncompatible OS), but there is an interoperability
requirement. The OS is identified, and an in place conversion to the
local OS format (localization) is supported by a dedicated
and routines. This conversion is unidirectionally
supported : a file can be imported to the local OS, but not exported to a generic OS.
- A XAS file is composed in this order by these three parts :
- a mini-header covering one or more record with 28 bytes of useful information
(more than one record only when the record length is less than 28 bytes, the rest
being null-padded).
- a 16-byte magic number in the form XAS1PPP2TTT3SSS4, where
the 1..4 values at subscript position indicate binary values 1..4 (CHAR(1) to CHAR(4)),
while the ASCII sequences PPP and TTT corresponds to types
and subtypes described below, and SSS is the three-letter code of the operating
system which wrote the file (as returned by
z_op_sys, one of those stored in the
SYSCOMMON common block).
The mixture of ASCII and binary code is used to make unlikely that the magic number pattern
be generated by chance.
- an INTEGER RECLEN, the file record length in bytes
- an INTEGER DATASIZE, the number of data records
- an INTEGER HDRSIZE, the number of header records containing the header
keywords (this does not include the mini-header)
- DATASIZE data records
- HDRSIZE header records
- There are two basic layouts for data records (images and [binary] tables)
which share a common layout for header records.
- image files (magic number
store an image(nx,ny) in ny records of record length nx*4 (in the
default format of REAL*4 images). INTEGER*2 images and 3-d images are supported at
specification level, but their usage is not incouraged nor supported by s/w.
- response matrices files (magic number of the main file
are stored as a couple of images, a main matrix
M(ne,nchan) in units of cm2keV (product of RMF * ARF * width of energy
grid bins) and an associated histogram H(ne,1) with the input energy grid
- all other data files are stored as XAS binary tables
- a spectrum (magic number of
has 4 REAL columns, namely
- additional columns may follow for particular, unofficially supported cases
(storing fitted models or photon spectra)
- a time profile (magic number of
has n records (as many as n time bins), with a record
length such to contain a selection of
some of the following columns (when they appear, they
do in this order, but what matter is the logical name ; those which do not appear
are constructed from header keywords)
- TIME : the bin start time in seconds since a reference Unix time
TIMEREF stored in the header, usually the 0 UT of the day containing the
first data point in the observation, stored as a DOUBLE PRECISION value. May be
absent for fully equispaced time profiles.
- BINSIZE : a REAL number indicating the bin duration. May be absent for
time profiles with all equal bins (refer to keyword BINSIZE
- DEADTIME : a REAL 0.0-1.0 number giving the coverage fraction of
the bin (optional)
- DATA : one value or an array of REAL data values (may be absent for the
rare case file of times or time intervals)
- ERROR : the associate errors (optional)
- additional data and error columns may follow to allow parallel storage of more
light curves with same time binning (but this has no support in s/w).
- for unofficially supported folded light curves TIME may be replaced by PHASE
- a photon list (magic number of
has has n records (as many as n photons or events), with a record
length such to contain a selection of data columns corresponding to the data fields
selected for each event.
- any other unspecified tabular file has a magic number of
- the file header is located at the end of the file in order to be extendable
(one can add new keywords) without changing the data part of the file.
- the file header is a sequence of binary-encoded keywords, stored spanning records
of the same natural size used for the data. Records are null-padded which allow
implicitly to generate an end-of-file keyword (this is not necessary if real
keywords fill completely the header space).
keyword handling
routines read the entire header in memory and
operate on such memory copy.
- keywords have a n 8-character NAME, a datatype and a length which is encoded
together with the keyword value(s) in a binary data structure like this
data type | 1 byte type | 1 byte length | 8 bytes | length bytes |
INTEGER*2 | 1 | 2*n | NAME | n=l/2 INTEGER*2 values |
INTEGER*4 | 2 | 4*n | NAME | n=l/4 INTEGER values |
REAL*4 | 3 | 4*n | NAME | n=l/4 REAL values |
CHARACTER | 0 | 2<=n<=68 | NAME | one CHAR*n string |
end of file | 0 | 0 | absent | absent |
More data types with particular semantics (angle, time, date) are foreseen by the
specifications but not implemented. The usage of the INTEGER*2 type, although defined, is
The keyword data structure can in principle reach n=255 bytes, but for reasons of FITS
compatibility is limited to 68 byte character
keywords (and the same limit imposed to other data types).
- There is a small number of mandatory keywords which must be present in a file
in order for it to be usable. These are usually flushed to disk by the file
creation routine,
so that a file is usable even if no further
("documentation") keywords are added.
The number of mandatory routines is much less than in a FITS file since some
information is not useful or generated implicitly.
- For an image only BITPIX,NAXIS1 and NAXIS2 are mandatory (NAXIS if image is not
- For a table BITPIX=8 is included for documentation, while NAXIS1, NAXIS2 and
TFIELDS are mandatory, together with the TFORMn of all present columns, and
the TTYPEn names of all used columns. The distinction between present and used
columns is due to the need of table padding
of record length to a multiple of 4.
:: original creation 2005 Dec 12 15:41:30 CET ::
last edit 2005 Dec 12 15:41:30 CET