7.2 font listings
The font listings
xwfont.list and
psfont.list are
used respectively by the X window and postscript
graphics servers.
These files are intended as prototypes for customisation and can be freely copied,
since they are looked for in the following order :
- in the current working directory where the user is running XAS (any user can
copy it here as a special dedicated setup)
- in the user home directory (any user can copy it here as a personal private
all-purpose setup)
- in the local directory (the XAS installer
can copy it here as a systemwide site-dependent customised setup)
- in the include directory
(this is the fallback version delivered with XAS)
Both files associate a font number (the only thing known to the
graphics server) with a real font. They do it slightly differently :
- for the X window server a real font is specified by the X (xlsfonts ?)
descriptive string (inclusive of font face and size)
- for the Postscript server one specifies separately a size in points and
a font face name
:: original creation 2002 Sep 04 18:18:51 CEST ::
last edit 2002 Sep 04 18:18:51 CEST