fourdeem [tfile {band} ffile fp1 fp2 fpnThe frequency range fp1-fp2 can be divided into linear steps of size fpn or in fpn logarithmically spaced bins, according to the spacing environment variable.
fourscar [tfile {band} ffile fp1 fp2 fpnArguments and environment variable usage is as for the Deeming program
fourferr [tfile {band} ffile fp1 fp2 fpnArguments and environment variable usage is as for the Deeming program. In addition, since this method allows an easy computation of the significance of the peaks from the power, variable poweraxis allows to replace the arbitrary power with such probability.
fourfft [tfile {band} ffileThe program does not check at all that the data are equispaced, and it does not use the bin times at all (but just the binsize). If the number of bins is not a power of 2, only the (first) closest lower power of 2 bins ara used.
showin [ffile pkfreq pkpowr f1 f2 fofileThe resulting file (in form of a Fourier spectrum containing also dummy columns) can then be overplotted onto a Fourier spectrum using command fplot. This is superseded by the next command.
plotwin [ {pkfreq pkpowr|CURSOR} {f1 f2|CURSOR} nstepUsually the peak position, height and extrema are given graphically with the mouse (CURSOR case). In all cases a Fourier spectrum shall be displayed by the graphics server. The program will retrieve the name of the associated time profile via XAS environment.
foldsearch [tfile {band} ffiles p1 p2 pstep nphbinThe program produces two output files. A chisquare vs period periodogram ffiles.chisquare and a folded light curve ffiles.folded (folded at the presumed "best" period, i.e. the highest chi-square)
folding [tfile {band} ffile period nphbin
Note also that one can choose whether to plot versus frequency (customary for power spectra) or versus period (customary for chisquare periodograms) for both kind of files (since they contain both) using the freqaxis variable.
Caveat!When plotting periodograms (vs frequency) the automatic setting of x-axis extrema, and the histogram mode plotting may be confused by the fact that data are present in increasing period order. Better specify xaxis extrema manually, and using datastyle Solid.
harmogrid [n {period|CURSOR}The period is always specified as such, in seconds, even if the plot on the screen is vs frequency. It might however be specified graphically with the mouse.
display time [ ffile.foldedThe time profile plotting program will recognise presence of phase on the X-axis, and ignore current timeaxis settings.