However the distinction between mandatory and optional corrections is somewhat different.
Essentially one uses BL thresholds which are different according to the energy (PI channel) of the photon. Events outside threshold are flagged for discard. Thresholds are interpolated from a discrete set of calibration measurements of BL spectra (as shown in Fig. 26 of the A&AS 122,309 paper) according to an user specified acceptance. This in practice means that standard Burst Length ranges must be left wide open (0 255), since they are taken care of by this correction.
For details see the A&AS 122,309 paper, in particular section3.3.
The fixed shifts of 3 PHA/X/Y/VETO pixel/channels is always applied unconditionally.
xasset correction EnabledBut for the LECS they must not be applied when accumulating gain histories !!!
Additionally all primary accumulations programs will currently four additional arguments (three as used also for the MECS) following all others. THIS IS PROVISIONAL AND WILL BE CHANGED IN THE FUTURE TO USE ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES. These extra arguments may take the following forms :
N npix seed acceptance
S pixsize seed acceptanceIn the first form one requires npix pixels to cover the original field of view, in the second case one requires the pixel size to be pixsize mm. In either case seed is a seed for a random number generator.
The fourth argument, the acceptance, is specific of VETO/BL filtering. The recommended (default) value is 0.99 (99%). A value of 1.00 (100%) effectively disables the BL filtering.
xasset piccorr Enabledprovided other mandatory corrections have been enabled too.
xasset gainhistory gainfilewhere gainfile is a gain history produced by the appropriate command