- generate an occultation time window as
iwindow occulted earth below -2
- intersect such time window with the collimator aligned one
- accumulate a raw occultation spectrum (occ)
- measure the count rate in a pure background region of the on and occ spectrum
scount on B 270 470
scount occ B 270 470
- compute a correcting factor (negative, small)
- subtract such constant from the occ spectrum (where non zero)
soperate occ + CONSTANT occ1 dflux
- multiply a standard correction factor (consisting of a low energy exponential tail
and the two Xe lines) by the constant
soperate corrections x CONSTANT temp dflux
- add the result to the scaled occultation background
soperate occ1 + temp occ2
- subtract this from the on spectrum
soperate on - occbg2 net