Ockham's razor
"File structures non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem"
XAS design guidelines have been the following :
be portable to at least VMS and Unix
isolate system dependent features in a small number of routines (the
choose to support only the minimum number of features really needed ("reduced instruction VOS")
be easy to install
do not require system privileges (any user can install it)
do not require excessive or unusual machine resources
do not require excessive disk space (any user can install it)
have a non-intricated
directory organization
be under complete control of developers
using an ad-hoc
XAS file format
do not depend on commercial libraries, use only home-grown or public domain code
not developed under overarching external-designed environment
written almost entirely in Fortran
be efficient
small library routines
layered design of library routines
XAS file format
uses native representation
make use of memory allocation
client-server graphics approach
X11 and PostScript graphics
be easy to program with
written almost entirely in Fortran
layered design of library routines
isolate specific competences in single modules
be easy to use
consistent and versatile user interface (command-line, interactive and parameter file support)
no ad-hoc monitor or shell
access to operating system environment variables
simple procedures replaced by front-end dispatcher programs
be mission independent
using an ad-hoc
XAS file format
using environment variables and file keyword to control mission- and instrument-specific items.
be open
file format designed to be easily mappable to FITS (for easy export/exchange to/with major packages)
XAS files immediately usable from IDL or SAOimage
isolate interface problems in conversion modules
sax.iasf-milano.inaf.it/Sax/Xas/occam.html :: original creation 2002 Sep 04 16:20:26 CEST :: last edit 2002 Sep 04 16:20:26 CEST