There is no such thing as a "current" release

XAS is being worked on continuously by and is actively used at SAX Institutes. Because of this activity there is not yet such a thing as a publicly released version. However SAX SDC might provide a "status of the art" XAS distribution and would in future care after distribution of SAX software to the community.

Current release is XAS 1.1

The information below here (part of the original Web pages set up a couple of years ago) points to a quite old prototype lacking of many of the present "flight" functionalities. This was however the prototype of distribution arranged care of SAX Institutes.
Facilities for guided XAS installation exist in an interim form and location.

This release includes software developed at IFCTR, ITESRE (the xasbuild tool, part of the Unix VOS) and IFCAI (fromfits 1.4).
It does not include the saxsim software and the VMS TD dd emulator developed at IAS.

Hilights and changes vs XAS 1.0

For a longer description see the release notes included in the doc directory in the XAS distribution.