The on-axis differential PSF can be modelled analytically as the sum of a Gaussian and a generalized Lorentzian component, whose coefficients depend on energy.
G(r) = cg exp [-0.5(r/sigma)2] = cgGs(r) L(r) = cl [1+(r/rl)2]-m = clLs(r)An example of the differential PSF shape is shown here below (additional figures can be produced in a customized way).
Fig. 4.11-I : MECS differential PSF (analytical form) at 2 (solid) and 8 keV (dotted)
The normalization of the integral of the PSF over the entire plane to 1 allows to remove one free parameter, and use just R = cg/cl to reduce the expression to the following, taking advantage of the "simplified" forms of the Gaussian and Lorentzian Gs and Ls:
PSF(r) = N-1 {R Gs(r) + Ls(r) } i.e. PSF(r) = N-1 {R exp[-0.5(r/sigma)2] + [1+(r/rl)2]-m} with N = 2*pi [ R sigma2 + rl2 /2(m-1)]where the parameters R, rl, sigma and m depends on energy. Such dependency has been modelled empirically for each parameter using a function of the form :
parameter = d + eE + c exp[-(E-a)/b]where there is a different set of coefficients a,b,c,d,e for each parameter, and in addition the parameters with dimension of a length (rl and sigma) may be subject to a further scale factor, according to whether r is measured in mm or arcmin.
Fig. 4.11.II : Energy dependency of the MECS PSF parameters
Additional representations of (analytically-generated) differential PSF's
can be obtained via the following form.