[continues from 4.7.1]

4.7.2 Low energy tail

A monochromatic line gives rise not only to a Gaussian line, but shows also a tail on the low energy side (extending below 1 keV where the Be window is not transparent). The physical reason is that part of the electrons generated by an X-ray may attach to the Be window itself instead of propagating in the drift region (see GSPC operation).

Fig. 4.7.2-I : Example of the spread of a simulated spectrum generated by a 3 keV and 7 keV monochromatic line. The gaussian and tail components (unnormalized) are shown, as well as their (normalized) combination.

The tail is empirically modelled by a complex function (defined only above 1.255 keV) :

	Ti(Ej) = D4 + D5 exp( (PI-D6)/D7) 			if PI<D6

	Ti(Ej) =   D5 exp(-0.5 [3(PI-D6)/(D2-D6)]2) 	 	otherwise

where the symbols are as follows :

The values of the coefficients L are kept in files m{1,2,3}_tail.coeff
The notation Li,j refers to the i-th line and j-th position in line in the file.

Fig. 4.7.2-II : Energy dependency of tail parameters D4 and D5. The values for the different MECS units (colours) are quite similar. Note that coefficients are meaningless (dotted line) below 1.25 keV where the tail is not defined.

Additional representations of simulated spectra can be obtained via the following form. Data is always generated for the three MECS units.

Select energy keV, representation and type of spectral component
Gaussian component (unnormalized)
Tail component (unnormalized)
Their combination (normalized)

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sax.iasf-milano.inaf.it/Sax/Mecs/calib9.html :: original creation 2002 Sep 04 16:33:11 CEST :: last edit 2002 Sep 04 16:33:11 CEST