Coefficients are kept in files m{1,2,3}_vignetting.coeff.
The coefficients give the vignetting correction as a function of the off-axis position r in mm according to the following formula :
V(r,E) = (1 + V1(E) . r V2(E))-1The conversion between r and theta (e.g. in arcmin) is given by the optics platescale. In the figure below the vignetting correction at different energies is reported as a function of theta.
Fig. 4.1.2-I : examples of MECS vignetting correction as a function of off-axis angle for the three MECS units, and for three energies (1.5, 3.2 and 8.1 keV)
Additional representations (as separately numbered figures) can be obtained via the following form :